Start Building the Business of You!- Bradley Agnew


Today’s post is a guest post from one of our new members. Bradley Agnew, internationally known
as The Digital Accelerator®, is a serial entrepreneur, consultant, speaker and coach who helps people and organisations to dramatically accelerate growth with smarter digital marketing.
His consulting firm, Agnew Consulting Ltd, has attracted clients such as Disney, Sony, Warner
Brothers, Universal Studios, Volumeye, and hundreds of other leading organisations in over forty
countries worldwide. As The Digital Accelerator®, Bradley has personally helped his consulting clients generate revenues in excess of $2 billion with smarter digital marketing.

In this post, Bradley talks about why a personal brand is required in today’s global business
environment, and exactly why you should be investing your time and talents in developing your
personal brand using the latest online platforms. He shares his top ten tips for effortlessly attracting
customers by leveraging digital technologies and applying his proprietary Marketing Gravity™
System to dramatically accelerate the growth of your brand. To read the full article, please click here.

Nowadays more than ever, being a successful business owner is all about finding new and more
effective ways of building relationships with people and attracting them to our unique brand value.
This means making sure that you establish a unique personal brand and a distinctive value
proposition that are truly irresistible.

On 14th September of 2015, I launched my personal brand.
This isn’t my first step into personal branding, but it does represent a major change in the way I’ll be
approaching the entire process of building relationships and marketing and growing my business.
The fact is that a unique personal brand is a requirement in today’s market, and with the wealth of
brand-building tools and relationship-building platforms available online, it’s easier and cheaper to
do than ever before.

Why is a personal brand so important today?

Investing in developing my personal brand has been one of the best decisions I have ever made -
and I’m confident that by the end of this post, you’ll be thoroughly convinced that building the
business of you should be your primary focus for marketing and growing your business in 2015/6.
The reason why a personal brand is absolutely essential in today’s market is because, at the end of
the day, the most successful businesses are founded upon relationships that are based on trust. In
an increasingly competitive global business landscape, people want to deal with other people that
they know, love and trust. That is why developing your personal brand is so crucial to ensuring your business’ success, especially online.

  • Building your personal brand enables you to generate massive awareness of, and attract people to, your unique brand value (more on exactly what that is, and why you need it, later in this post).
  • Developing your brand online opens upon instant opportunities for effortlessly attracting customers by building marketing gravity.
  • Building your brand using online platforms enables you to build communities around your personal brand, reciprocate exponential value, and build long-lasting profitable relationships on a mass scale (I’ll even show you how to automate it, too!).
  • Focusing on developing your personal brand clearly positions you as a thought leader, the go-to expert source in your business, giving you instant credibility and opening up golden opportunities for growth.

I hope that I’ve thoroughly convinced you of the huge potential that building your personal brand
can have for marketing and growing your business. This is it people! It’s about time that we all
started working together to help each other build our brands online, so that we can reap the
benefits and deliver a huge amount of value to a lot of wonderful people.

My Top 3 Tips for Effortlessly Attracting Customers by Unleashing Your Online Brand’s Full

Top Tip #1) Establish Your Unique Brand Value

I talk about this a lot in my FREE 7-Day Digital Marketing Bootcamp. Understanding and effectively
communicating your unique brand value is absolutely critical if you are looking to build a successful
brand. Discovering your unique brand value is a two-step process:

  1. Develop a distinctive value proposition and utilise vehicles than enable you to deliver that value effectively (i.e. products, services, and experiences).
  2. Build a unique brand that becomes synonymous with your value proposition, and enhances perception of value.
Once you’re successful in discovering your unique brand value, it doesn’t stop there. You need to be
constantly developing your value proposition and building a distinctive brand founded upon that
value that enables you to attract customers effortlessly and accelerate the relationship-building
Unique brand value is at the heart of any successful business – and in the digital age it’s more
important than ever. In Digital Bootcamp, I’ll be talking about exactly what unique brand value is,
why it’s important, and how you can develop it that catapult your business to dizzying new heights!

Top Tip #2) Build Marketing Gravity

Every successful business owner understands that every sale carries a cost of acquisition, and with
that comes increased labour intensity, erosion of profitability, and ultimately a significant
opportunity cost – what else could you be doing with all that time and money you spend trying to
find new business?
Marketing Gravity enables you to effortlessly attract customers with virtually no cost of
acquisition, as well as reaping the benefits of reduced labour intensity and an enhanced perception
of value, resulting in higher fees and improved profitability. Not only will you no longer need to
spend precious time and resources finding new customers – your entire business model will be
radically changed for the better.
My revolutionary Marketing Gravity system has helped hundreds of business owners effortlessly
attract customers by implementing some very simple, practical strategies. If you’d like to discover
the power of Marketing Gravity for your business, I’ll reveal all inside Day #3 of Digital
Bootcamp. Sign up here!

Top Tip #3) Reciprocate Exponential Value

There’s only so much you can do with your precious time and resources, and if you’re a
solopreneur, your time is your most valuable asset. By creating communities founded upon your
unique brand value, you enable the reciprocation of exponential value by facilitating the sharing of
ideas, expertise, intellectual property, and other forms of value. This dramatically increases the
value of your brand without requiring further intervention from you or your team.
The best way to dramatically accelerate the growth and success of your online brand is to maximise
value whilst reducing labour intensity. One highly effective strategy for enabling the reciprocation
of exponential value is to create an environment which triggers high levels of engagement and
audience participation – it could be a piece of provocative or controversial content, a never-before-
seen idea or project that really excites people, or any form of value that triggers an emotional
reaction from your target market. In this scenario, you invest some of your time upfront in
developing intellectual property and sharing that with your community in the form of an article,
video, or podcast, and for as long as that content is published it will continue to attract new people,
trigger active engagement from your existing audience, and directly contribute towards the future
success of your brand, as long as it remains relevant and valuable to your target market.
Ever had someone comment on on one of your posts recognising the value of your content, sharing
their personal experience, or providing a different perspective that you haven’t considered before?
When that happens again, and again, and again, you’ve succeeded in creating a community that
enables the reciprocation of exponential value.

Get Serious – Join My Digital Bootcamp!

To celebrate the launch of my personal brand, I’ve spend the past three months developing
a comprehensive free seven-day online course covering all aspects of digital marketing, to help
savvy entrepreneurs and business owners get some fresh ideas about how they can leverage the
web to achieve rapid, sustainable business growth.
My ‘Digital Bootcamp’ covers everything that I mentioned briefly in today’s post (in much more
detail), and much more! The course material is a perfect blend of video, audio and written
content presented in a very easy-to-follow format, and on top of all that I’ll throw in some bonus
materials and other goodies, too! Click here to get instant access!
If you’re serious about marketing and growing your business using the Internet, I’d love for you to
check it out and join the bootcamp – I really wish that this kind of wonderful resource was available
when I started building my business online!

I’d love to answer any questions you’ve got on the topics highlighted in today’s post including
personal branding, marketing gravity, and reciprocating exponential value. Be sure to post a link to
your brand platforms down below, and keep me posted on your branding successes, too! Leave a
comment down below.
Thanks for dropping by today!


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