Last Friday was the day many in Manchester had been anticipating greatly. It was the day the Food Fight returned and made many foodie's hearts beat faster. With a new venue and many fresh as well as well known food vendors the event promised to be even better than the previous year.
Actually a dungeon
of music, dancing and amusement!
Image by mantasmagorical
“But why can’t I go to the club, mum?” I enquired in exasperation. I understood her anxieties. Every parent worries. Innocent at 18 and anxious about approaching the clubbing scene, I was subject to mixed opinions from my peers and elders. According to my mother, clubs are a camouflage for seedy, sex-obsessed old men: “keen on young meat” with rapists around every corner. I wasn't convinced. It had been years since my old ma had been out on the town.
Yet according to my friends, clubbing was just something I had to try. So, one night, with a YOLO attitude to hand and wearing a simple lacy black dress, I allowed my friends to take me out on my first clubbing experience. My mother was certain I was being bewitched into a dungeon of drugs, drink and disaster. But she was wrong. See, if you keep yourself safe and don’t go too mental, clubbing is an awesome night out. Clubs = dancing. Dancing releases endorphins and everyone knows endorphins = happy.
Hello everyone, and welcome to the University of Manchester's very own blog, written and managed by students of the UoMBlogSoc.
The BlogSoc meets weekly/ fortnightly to develop blogging skills, help each other with photos, tecchie questions and content inspiration. We organise events such as blogging workshops, ootd day's and socials to events like #FoodFightMCR.
Whether you have a blog, are interested in starting one, or perhaps writing for this one, all are welcome to join. You can join us here or find out more information on facebook or twitter.
This blog aims to show you what Manchester is like from a student perspective: events, recipes, honest truths about the University will be featured, not to mention student style and society spotlights. Hope you enjoy reading!