Last Friday was the day many in Manchester had been anticipating greatly. It was the day the Food Fight returned and made many foodie's hearts beat faster. With a new venue and many fresh as well as well known food vendors the event promised to be even better than the previous year.

Together with a few girls from the UoM BlogSoc I made my way to the new venue, the Great Northern Warehouse on Deansgate. We expected a queue but luckily we were able to walk up the stairs and go straight in. As we entered the impressively big venue we were greeted by the smell of delicious food, a welcoming atmosphere and rather nice music.

Making our way around the stalls it was hard to choose what food to sample first. A burger? A falafel wrap? A hot dog? Vietnamese summer rolls? We ended up getting delicious spiced popcorn with bacon jam from Lucha Libre as a snack whilst trying to decide on a 'main'. I have to say, bacon jam is a genius idea and I want it all the time now.

I had seen the menu of Piggie Smalls on the Food Fight facebook page before and I knew that they had a sauerkraut hot dog which I really wanted to try. I couldn't resist and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made. It was truly delicious.

It was an amazing night with the BlogSoc girls and I honestly cannot wait to go back on another Friday to sample some more amazing street food. The B.EAT STREET #FoodFightMCR will be on for many more weeks so come along if you enjoy great food, good music and lovely company.


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