Hi everyone and welcome to/back to BlogSoc. This is the society blog which is run by me (Beckie) with content from many of our members on a huge array of topics. The society is for those already with their own blog, for people that are wanting to start one or for people that just love reading blogs and want to socialise with other people interested in it. The society aims to have an event weekly or fortnightly, we've already had 3 successful events this semester, and they will be in the form of workshops, evening socials, photography days and much more!

There are many opportunities to get involved in the society. If you wish to contribute to the blog, all you have to do is email your post idea to uomblogsoc@gmail.com or if you prefer, my personal email address which is beckierackham@googlemail.com and I will let you know my thoughts so you can get writing! You can write about anything you wish, as long as the content is original and doesn't already feature on your own blog. We want to be posting at least twice a week, so we need your help in creating blog content to keep it up to date and relevant!

The society was also granted a Radio show with Fuse FM which will be every Friday 12-1! This is really exciting and new for the society, so if you would like to co-host, be interviewed or help out in any other way, please also get in touch using the society email: uomblogsoc@gmail.com!

Hope you have a wonderful academic year and look forward to future events in the society. The blog will be officially starting from today, so any ideas please get them to me!!

To join the society, click here. You can also find our group on Facebook (for members only) and Twitter.


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